Tercentenary by Martell
In 2015, the world leading Cognac House, Martell, celebrated 300 years of excellence. First formed in 1715 in the town of Cognac, the Martell family has passed on over three centuries of knowledge and passion for Cognac that has made them a force to be reckoned with. In honor of their three centuries of excellence, Martell has decided to celebrate with 300 VIPs at the Chateau de Versailles on the 20th of May.
Release date:


In partnership with the Fred & Farid agency, we developed a mobile application to enrich guests’ experience during the two-day event. The application came with several engaging features including timeline, a picture-wall, a guestbook, and others.

The Application

The mobile application included an interactive timeline presenting all the upcoming activities in details, a picture-wall displaying in real time photos taken by the users during the event, a guestbook as well as a user account showing the activities in which the user participated.

Working with estimote beacon

To create a truly immersive experience, we integrated the mobile app with iBeacons devices.

The use of iBeacons allowed us to enhance the experience by sending push notifications to guests’ phones whenever they reached particular points of location where they'd be offered to participate to certain activities. By doing so, guests were reminded when they had to check the application, thus providing them with exclusive information at the right location and time.

Front End

Having quite a short time to develop the mobile application before the event, we decided to build it using PhoneGap framework. This proved to be immensely useful, as PhoneGap allowed us to develop ONE application compatible for both Android and iOS devices, instead of developing to develop two separated native applications (one for each OS).

The structure of the application itself was based on Angular.js, a well know javascript framework allowed for enhanced performance in the application.

Phone Gap

Angular JS

iOS 8

Back End

In order to manage the application's content, we developed a separated back office using Drupal. The whole content was sent from the Drupal back office to the app using two APIs: one making the junction between the the back office and the app and one internal API (in the app) gathering and displaying the content at their right place. Using such structure gave us the means to control all the mobile application's text without having to republish it each time.

From the back end, the client was also able to approve photos taken by guests before publishing them on the app wall; manage events mentioned on the application; create new push notifications & consult the user's data.


Having to work with PhoneGap framework while dealing with picture upload / loading problematics proved to be quite interesting, as we needed a reactivity that PhoneGap did not provide we then decided to develop some native features for those part to complement our development.

Stephane Chan-Kam, Project Lead
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