Beeeeeeh box 2015 - Fred & Farid
As one of the first independent communications agencies in France, Fred & Farid has made a name for itself in the digital industry for its innovation and spirit. Their international acclaim is testament to the pioneering accomplishments they've made over the years.
Release date:


Each year, we work with Fred & Farid in combining our rambunctious energy to launch a greeting card that celebrates the Chinese New Year. For 2015 (the year of the goat), we continued the tradition and developed a digital greeting card to celebrate a great year of working with clients like ewe!

Gif Card

The .gif card Fred & Farid designed was far too heavy to be used for communication purposes, and could not be easily sent by Wechat or other messaging applications. This could be detrimental as the card would be lambasted by people attempting to share it since it would be too heavy.

Therefore, we separated and optimized all the design assets, before developing a small javascript structure animating the assets for the greeting card to be as light as possible.

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